This is not an official Civil Air Patrol site and does not have any
official approval from Civil Air Patrol. |
At National Blue Beret, July-August 1999, the temperatures were routinely in the 90s and the sky was clear or nearly cloudless most days. These were the daily briefings I gave as safety officer.
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Safety Briefing 1 |
1. I am the safety officer for the activity; your team leader is the safety officer for your team; YOU are the safety officer for your person. That means you will have to think before you do things, you will have to carry sunscreen with you whenever you go on the flight line, and you will have to drink water. Are there any safety officers here? (just a few...) Are there any safety officers here?
2. The continued success (future) of NBB is in YOUR hands. We need to run a safe activity in order to run it again next year. This is a big responsibility – take it seriously. If you start to do something that is unsafe, STOP and think about it.
3. Personal Health
· It is hot. Your body will sweat a lot in order to keep you from overheating. Because you will be sweating, you must drink lots of water. Much more than you drink during a day at home; much more than you drink during a day at school. If you don’t drink enough water, you risk heat-related injury, which can be very serious.
· The sun is very strong. You must wear a hat to protect your hat and face. You must apply sunscreen regularly to protect your nose, cheeks, ears, and neck. Sunburn causes cancer later in life; it HURTS; and it will make you grumpy later in the week. You are the only one here who can keep you from getting sunburned.
· You must wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays.
· Your personal hygiene. Since you are living in close quarters, you will annoy the people around you unless you shower at least daily.
· You will be doing a lot of walking, so you need to take care of your feet. Wear your shower shoes. They will keep you from slipping and will keep things from growing on your feet.
4. Unsafe conditions
Report any unsafe conditions (in the barracks, bathrooms, or anywhere in the compound) to the safety officer, in person or by leaving a note in the admin building.
5. Remember, the future of NBB depends on YOU.
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Safety Briefing 2
1. Heat. Drink lots of water. How to tell if you are drinking enough water: your urine will be copious and clear. If it is dark, that is a strong warning to you that you are not staying hydrated.
2. Sun protection: hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm. Sunburn is painful, hot, uncomfortable, and bad for you.
3. Report unsafe conditions to safety officer.
4. Team leaders are responsible for the safety of their teams at all times, especially on the flight line.
Safety around aircraft:
- This may be tested today if you are on the flight line.
- A spinning propeller can amputate your hand or cause life-threatening injuries.
- A stopped propeller can start at any time! If you are asked to help push an airplane back, do not push on the propeller; and do not let any part of your body enter the propeller arc.
- When you walk down a row of parked aircraft, remember that one of them may contain a pilot that’s about to start his engine. Walk far enough away from the propellers that you won’t get sucked in if one starts as you walk by.
- As you walk by look for a flashing beacon or a person in the cockpit – these are indications that the engine may be about to start.
- Avoid collisions with other parts of airplanes, such as:
- Wing tips
- Horizontal tails
- Wing floats (amphibians)
- Pitot tubes (on pre-1965 aircraft they sometimes stick out about 18”)
Do not walk backwards
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Safety Briefing 3
- When you drink water to “BEAT THE HEAT,” sip it, don’t chug it. Drinking too much too fast will make you nauseous.
- Remember to reapply sunscreen every hour or two.
- In addition to your sunscreen , you must also use LIP BALM that is SPF 10 or greater.
- Do not apply sun screen to your forehead, because when you sweat it will drip into your eyes and sting.
- Everyone must wear footwear at all times. Going barefoot is an invitation to stubbing a toe or cutting your foot on something sharp.
- No running or sports after dusk.
- Do not walk down taxiways. Walk off to the side.
- Do not leave the compound alone. Cadets leaving the compound (going running, to the Fly Mart, to the museum, etc.) must go in groups of two or more, and must sign out.
- Do not iron when the washing machine is in use. The wiring in our barracks cannot handle that much electrical load at once.
- There will be a fire drill this week. Be prepared for it by doing the following
- Determine the route from your bunk to the nearest exit.
- Keep your shower shoes or other footwear close at hand.
- Have a flashlight close at hand to use in finding your way out.
- The signal for a fire alarm is repeated whistle blasts.
- Memorize the following procedure to follow in case of fire:
- Put on footwear.
- Quickly remove the blanket from your bed.
- Bring your blanket and flashlight, and proceed quickly to the nearest exit in an orderly manner.
- Do not push, shove, or trample other cadets. Assist anyone who needs help to get out of the barracks.
- Do NOT bring any personal belongings – just footwear, flashlight, and blanket.
- Proceed to the opposite side of the compound’s assembly field and fall in by team.
- Each team leader will make an immediate head count and notify his group leader whether all cadets are present, and if not, who is missing.
Cadets may NOT return to the building after exiting, even if a cadet from
the flight is missing.
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Safety Briefing 4
- Airplanes are everywhere. Keep your head on a swivel. Do not let a plane coming from the opposite direction sneak up on you.
- Sunscreen must be reapplied often! Some cadets are sporting red and painful evidence that they aren’t taking following orders re: sun screen. Don’t let this happen to you.
- Be prepared to run out of the way if an airplane (usually a taildragger) doesn’t see you.
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In the barracks: |
- Per the medic, all personnel will take showers daily with soap.
- All toilets and urinals will be flushed after each use, by holding down the handle for a count of five.
- Personal gear may be stored ONLY in the following places:
- In a locker
- In luggage that is kept underneath the bunk
- On a hanging rod on the wall.
- NO GEAR ON THE FLOOR MAY PROTRUDE BEYOND THE SIDE OR END OF THE BUNK because it obstructs the aisles, causing a hazard during a fire evacuation. The cadet command staff will be enforcing this rule immediately.
- Do not leave valuables or “mistakeables” (canteens, T-shirts, etc.) on your bunk.
- Dirty laundry must be stored in a bag. If you need a bag, see the admin staff at the admin building.
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Safety Briefing 5 |
- Beat the heat! Drink water! We have some people who aren’t drinking enough water and are suffering from the effects of it. Team leaders, you are responsible for making sure your people drink enough. Make them show you their empty canteens if that’s what it takes.
- I have a red card which I will be holding up to faces tomorrow. Anyone whose skin is as red as the card, or redder, will have to sing for their sun screen! If you are on flight line between 1000 and 1600, you MUST RE-APPLY every hour. We are not talking about something that goes away here! We are talking about permanent damage to your skin that will last the rest of your life.
- If you are on guard duty, stand in the SHADE.
If you feel faint, or sick, or somehow wrong, let your team leader know.
If you are guarding a building, walk over and tell him/her.
If you are on the flight line, use an agreed-upon hand signal or use your
whistle. Whoever sees the signal
will IMMEDIATELY get the closest of the following people:
- The team leader
- The TACO
- One of the flight line officers who are driving around in vans
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Safety Briefing 6 |
[Hold up sunglasses]
[Hold up sunscreen]
[Hold up hat]
[Hold up canteen]
[Hold up sign "COMMON SENSE"]
Always take all of these with you when you head out to the flight line.
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Safety Briefing 7 |
There's a temptation during the last day or two to do this:
[demonstration: three foot length of yellow police tape printed with "CAUTION". A penny is taped to one end. Cadet commander or other figurehead enlisted to blow at tape as it is thrown in the air.]
Who here can tell me what I just did?
That's right, I threw caution to the wind!
Don't do this. It's just as easy to get knocked down by an airplane, or seriously wounded by a propeller, on the last day as it was on the first or second day. Don't let your guard down!
Final Safety Briefing
Today is the last day. You don't have hard duty today but I have a safety reminder for you all the same. Please don't do anything stupid today. How will you feel if you break your arm horsing around today, and when you get home you have to tell people "I made it through ten days of dangerous flight line duty, then broke my arm horsing around in the compound on the last day?" So use your head. And THANK YOU for making this a safe week!
This is not an official Civil Air Patrol site and does not have any
official approval from Civil Air Patrol. |