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Procedure for Administering the AEPSM
(Aerospace Education Program for Senior Members)
and issuing Yeager awards

by Lt Col Marilyn Rey, CAP
Internal Aerospace Education Officer, New York Wing
Edited by Malcolm Dickinson

NOTE: The AEPSM (Yeager) program will change, on or about 1 January 2002, to use the new book Aerospace: The Journey of Flight.  (This is the hardback book issued January 2001 for cadet officers.)  After that date, new tests will be issued and the old book (Aerospace: the Challenge) will be phased out.  - MD

[These instructions are based on pages 14-15 in CAPP 15, the Aerospace Education Officer Handbook.  If you will be conducting a Yeager exam, you should read those pages, as well as paragraph 2.a.(2)(a) of CAPR 280-2.  - MD]

1. Unit (squadron, sometimes group) requests exams, if they don't already have them, by filling out a CAPF 123 (yellow card) and sending it to the Wing Internal AEO.

2. The Wing Internal AEO sends the following to the unit:

2 copies of exam A (brown)
2 copies of exam B (blue)
1 answer sheet A
1 answer sheet B
1 CAPF 124 (log of tests)
2 CAPF 126 (record and report form) *
* Note - the unit sends one of these in each time they administer exams. The unit can obtain additional copies of CAPF 126 from the web or by ordering them on CAPF 8.

3. The Wing Internal AEO also maintains and updates a CAPF 124 whenever they ship out exams to the squadrons.

4. The unit AEO  administers the AEPSM exams to senior members only. Testees write answers on CAPF 23 (general purpose answer sheet) which the squadrons should have on hand. Testees may choose either method:

CLOSED BOOK: member must score 70%.  If score is below 70%, they may take the other version (A or B) of the test one month after the failure.
OPEN BOOK: mark all wrong answers (with an X through the incorrect circle) and return test to member so that they can look up and correct all wrong answers. Continue this procedure until member has achieved 100%. 
Note: this method can take a long time - up to 4 hours.
Note: there are several errors on the answer keys.  I cannot post the specific errors here - but the questions with incorrect or ambiguous answers, or answers that cannot be found in the book, are test A: 23, 45, 52, 56, 58. 71, 81, and 83.  Test B: 5, 34, 72, 86, 88, 95.  Because of this it can seem impossible for a student to attain 100%.  To avoid undue exasperation on the part of the testee, I suggest AEOs giving the test keep an eye on these questions - the answer given on the key may be incorrect, or the answer may not be in the book.
CONVERTING from closed book to open book: I heard from National Headquarters on 20 Apr 01 that this is not allowed. If someone starts the test open book and does not achieve 70%, they must wait a month before retaking it. They can retake it either open or closed book.

5. The unit's Test Control Officer maintains custody of the exams and answer keys when they are not in use by the AEO.  Exams and answer keys must be kept under lock and key.

6. The unit's AEO sends a CAPF 126 and the entire CAPF 23 (not just the results section) for each testee to the Wing Internal AEO.  Be sure that name and rank are printed clearly, as the name and rank on the form will be used to create the certificates.

7. The Unit's AEO gives a copy of the CAPF 126 to the unit's personnel officer, who places a copy in the personnel file of each person who passed the exam.

8. The Wing Internal AEO fills out the Yeager Award certificates (CAPC 20) and sends them to the unit.

9. The Wing Internal AEO sends a monthly report to HQ CAP on CAPF 127.

10. When the member has received the Yeager Certificate they may begin wearing the ribbon and miniature medal, which they can purchase from the Bookstore.

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