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Safety program information for New York Wing
provided by Lt Col Malcolm Dickinson, CAP - wing director of safety

To download a form or supplement, right-click on its name and choose "save as..." or "save target as..."

CAP safety regulations
CAPR 62-1 - CAP Safety Program  (14 Apr 2006)
CAPR 62-2 - Mishap Reporting  (8 Nov 02, with change 1, 22 Apr 05)

Information about the  "CAP Safety Officer" course Safety Course

NY Wing forms in Microsoft Word format:

NYWF 85 - quarterly safety report for flights, squadrons, and groups
NYWF 86 - annual safety survey
NYWF 87 - aircraft inspection
NYWF 88 - mishap reporting checklist (not yet completed)

NY Wing supplements in PDF format:

NY WG Supp to CAPR 62-2, dated 20 April 2007
NY WG Supp to CAPR 62-1 (not yet completed)

Northeast Region supplements in PDF format:

CAPR 62-1, NER Supplement 1 (1 Sep 2006)
CAPR 62-2, NER Supplement 2 (1 Sep 2006)
CAPR 62-2, NER Attachment 7(1 Sep 2006)
NER Policy Letter on Aircraft Service and Inspections Nov 2006
Memoranda from NER:
NER CC Safety Policy May 2006
NER CC Safety Policy Letter May 2006
Mission oriented Safety Brochure Nov 2006

Safety program guidance and presentations:

Presentation given at wing commander's call, 20 January 2007   PDF   PowerPoint
Presentation  "duties of a CAP safety officer"   PDF   PowerPoint
Safety presentation used at SLS and CLC courses (replaces the safety PowerPoint included with SLS or CLC course) - PowerPoint

Safety web sites:

Safety Page on the National Headquarters web site

Safety page on the Northeast Region web site
New NER safety page

contact Malcolm Dickinson by email:  malcolm [a|t] malcolm [dot|] cc