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NY Wing Safety Heat Prostration Briefings from NBB Staff College Briefings Flying Club Safety

Notice: The information on this site is informal - I have posted information that may be useful to to other CAP members.

Safety program information for units in New York Wing - click here

Safety Resources:

The following examples of safety briefings are made available here for the convenience of any safety officer who'd like to put them to use.

Daily safety briefings from National Blue Beret 1999

Daily safety briefings from Northeast Region Staff College 1999

Group meeting safety briefings

Safety program information for units in New York Wing

Tasks required of Mission Safety Officer, a specialty qualification which first appeared on the CAPF 101 in 2000

Safety Page on the National Headquarters web site

Safety page on the Northeast Region web site
New NER safety page

1999 NER/SE memo on Lyme Disease avoidance

1999 NER/SE memo on Heat Prostration

I served as Safety Officer at the 1999 National Blue Beret, and got to see firsthand what happens when the conditions get extremely hot.  We had to take some exceptional measures in 1999 to keep our cadets and seniors safe - some of them gave us a run for our money.